About Worship Circuit, District and Connexion The Yorkshire North and East District The Yorkshire North and East District The Yorkshire North and East District The Ryedale Circuit is part of the Yorkshire North and East District of the Methodist Church. The District is made up of a number of Methodist circuits, and is led by a District Chair. As well as providing leadership within the District, the Chair (Revd Leslie Newton, right) is a member of the Connexional leadership team, with an overview of the whole Methodist Connexion. Districts hold a twice yearly District Synod which sets District policy and may bring matters to the Methodist Conference. They also hold a Ministerial Synod for Presbyters and Deacons, which is an opportunity for ministerial training as well as for debating issues. Districts differ in terms of the kind of support they offer to local churches and circuits, but this can often include: Encouraging Connexional priorities Offering or subsidizing training Giving pastoral care to ministers, deacons and key lay people Providing people who represent Methodism to the local media Having an overview of legal obligations, and Organising large initiatives Get in touch Yorkshire North and East District https://www.yorkshirenemethodist.org/Yorkshire North and East District ChairRevd Leslie Newton, 01904 786275 [email protected] Manage Cookie Preferences